Saturday, January 11, 2025


Techniques for Talking with Loved Ones with Alzheimer???s and Other Dementias????

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On May 25, 2017, Harmony Adult Day Health Center offers Caregiver Conversations, a monthly caregiver support group that meets at 725 A Myles Standish Boulevard in Taunton MA.

The topic for May is ???Let???s Talk???, a discussion of caregiver tips for effectively speaking with those challenged with Alzheimer???s and other dementias. The Caregiver Conversations monthly support group at Harmony, is free and open to caregivers of all ages.

Meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month from 10:00AM to 11:00AM offering topics that help people become more confident as caregivers.

Pre-registration is required. Please call 508-880-3000.