On Thursday, April 13, there will be an orientation program for anyone who would like to know more about the Attleboro Land Trust. The program will be held in the Balfour Room at the Attleboro Public Library, 74 North Main Street, beginning at 7:00 pm.
Land trust member Charlie Adler will give a slide presentation that points out our conservation areas in the city, their natural features and trails, and how you can help maintain and preserve them.
Volunteers are needed to help with a variety of tasks, including trail maintenance and building new trails. The land trust has a site steward program for those who would like to help care for one of its preserves on a continuing basis.
There is also a lot of volunteer work that goes on behind the scenes. A Land Acquisition Committee works to identify new areas for preservation, working with landowners to help them donate land while taking advantage of potential tax benefits.
An Education and Outreach Committee is working to update a booklet designed to introduce schoolchildren to the places in the city where they can take a “walk in the woods” with their families.
A Development Committee conducts fundraising activities that are vital to carrying out the organization’s mission.
A Technology Committee helps maintain the land trust website, facebook page, and records.
Nature preserves owned and managed by the land trust include the Colman Reservation, the Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve, the Phil and Ginny Leach Wildlife Sanctuary, Larson Woodland, Vaughan Memorial Forest, Nickerson Walking Woods Preserve, and the Deborah and Roger Richardson Nature Preserve. While originally focused on Attleboro, the group now includes North Attleboro in its area of conservation interest. On Earth Day, April 22, the land trust will be holding a spring clean-up from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Please mark your calendar and watch for an announcement of which sites will be included.
For more information about the Attleboro Land Trust, go to our website: www.attleborolandtrust.org