Thursday, March 6, 2025

“AccuWeather Ready”

Prepare Now for Spring with New “AccuWeather Ready” Weather Preparedness Information and Tools??

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AccuWeather’s exclusive new cross-platform program provides life-saving weather information, news, videos, alerts, tools, and more to keep people informed and safe in preparing for the Spring season.

AccuWeather Global??Weather Center – March 21, 2017????- AccuWeather, the global leader in weather information and digital media, has strengthened its mission of saving lives, ??protecting property, and helping people prosper with the launch of AccuWeather Ready – the year-round weather preparedness program that focuses on keeping people informed and safe. ??New safety information for the Spring season is now available at, helping users prepare for possible tornadoes, flooding, and more.????

In addition to 24/7 weather information and updates with Superior Accuracy??? on award-winning AccuWeather mobile apps,, and the AccuWeather Network, the AccuWeather Ready program features weather preparedness tools including in-app push notifications, personalized weather preparedness plans, tailored emergency kits with detailed shopping lists, educational weather news and videos, an easy-to-use toolkit with actionable safety tips, and more, making AccuWeather the go-to resource that people rely on for Spring and year-round weather safety.?? ??

To generate additional weather safety and preparedness awareness, AccuWeather announces the launch of the AccuWeather Ready Instant Win Spring Sweepstakes today through April 13. ??Participants have the chance to win Spring weather preparedness prizes and up to $1,000. ??To register for your chance to win and view complete rules, visit the AccuWeather Facebook page at

The most trusted weather brand worldwide, AccuWeather delivers breaking weather news and life-saving information people need with Superior Accuracy. AccuWeather Ready takes this commitment even further to educate and inform people with weather preparedness updates and tools when it matters the most, personalizing the weather so people can improve their lives. With AccuWeather Ready, consumers will be prepared for the most significant weather events ahead including winter storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, summer heat, and more. ??This Spring, with threats of tornadoes and flooding, AccuWeather Ready continues to keeps consumers informed and out of harm’s way.??????

Visit for additional information.????

Over 17 million people reside in the area designated as “Tornado Alley”, at high risk to experience frequent tornadoes in the United States. ??Proper planning and preparation before a tornado hits can mean the difference between life and death. ??Additionally, floods cause an estimated $6 billion in damage in the United States alone with significant deaths, preventable through advanced preparation. ??By providing the most accurate and most effectively communicated forecasts worldwide, focused on impacts — telling people how, why, and what they need to do in order to save lives and minimize losses — AccuWeather has saved tens of thousands of lives and prevented tens of billions of dollars in property damage.??

The AccuWeather Ready program demonstrates AccuWeather’s continued leadership and commitment as a U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador. AccuWeather was named one of NOAA’s first Ambassadors in the weather enterprise initiative, launched in 2014 to recognize organizations committed to helping the nation be better prepared for, respond to, and recover from weather-related disasters. AccuWeather and NOAA have partnered for many years. The company has supported NOAA and National Weather Service (NWS) budgets in testimony and presentations before the United States Congress and with the Office of Management and Budget, as well as other federal agencies. Additionally, AccuWeather has been a long time cooperation partner with NOAA and Barry Lee Myers has served as a Special Advisor to three Directors of the NWS.?? ??

About AccuWeather, Inc. and

Over 1.5 billion people worldwide rely on AccuWeather to help them plan their lives, protect their businesses, and get more from their day. AccuWeather provides hour-by-hour and minute-by-minute forecasts with Superior Accuracy??? with customized content and engaging video presentations available through smart phones, tablets, free wired and mobile Internet sites via, award winning AccuWeather apps, connected TVs, wearables, smart homes, and connected cars, as well as radio, television, newspapers, and the AccuWeather Network cable channel.

Established in 1962 by Founder, Chairman and President Dr. Joel N. Myers – a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society who was recognized as one of the top entrepreneurs in American history by Entrepreneur Magazine’s Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurs book – AccuWeather also delivers a wide range of highly-customized enterprise solutions to media, business, government, and institutions, as well as weather news, content, and video for more than 180,000 third-party websites. ??

AccuWeather’s CEO, Barry Lee Myers, is an award winning leader in global weather information issues and one of the world’s most recognized advocates for cooperative relationships between government weather agencies and the weather industry. He is a leader in the digital weather information space.????

Visit or download the AccuWeather App at for additional information.
