Monday, March 10, 2025

Cleaner, Greener Pawtucket

City Aligns Recycling and Street Cleaning to Improve Services to Residents

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PAWTUCKET ??? In an effort to coordinate City services more effectively, the City of Pawtucket is aligning its street sweeping schedule with recycling pick-up beginning in April. The new change will move street sweeping to assigned recycling pick-up days and shift the days in which cars cannot be parked on the street.??

???This change will improve our recycling and street sweeping services, making our city cleaner and greener,??? said Mayor Grebien. ???Aligning the schedules will give the City easier access to clean our streets, streamline recycling bin pick-up, and make it easier for residents to identify when a parking ban is in place.???

???For an urban community, Pawtucket has a very high recycling rate. We want to continue that momentum by making sure that all bins are picked-up and not blocked in by parked cars,??? said Public Works Director Bill Ankner. ???At the same time, we also want to make sure that our streets are clean and the City is in tip-top shape for residents and visitors. This change will make sweep days easier to predict and cleaning efforts more effective.???

The parking ban will now be in place on residents??? assigned recycling days from 7am-3pm year round. Please see our website for the recycling calendar (also attached), as well as the City???s 2017 calendar. Additional information will also be sent to residents??? homes and communicated through social media.??????????????????????

The City is also working to improve the environment by offering free tree plantings and rain collection barrels for residents, and recycling collection for local businesses. Businesses that participate in the recycling program will be eligible to receive a recycling cart free of charge. For more information and to apply for a tree, rain barrel, or recycling bin please see: