Monday, March 10, 2025



F FusionworksPRphoto-MaryellenMalloy


Locally Grown Series presents ???Next Generation??? Fusionworks professional dancers, with their reputation for gutsy and inspiring dancing, share the stage with the next generation of RI???s finest young artists.

Joining them will be dancers from the pre-professional company, Fusionworks II, and students from four schools from across Rhode Island.

Locally Grown is Fusionworks??? exciting outreach concert series that celebrates and nurtures the wealth of creativity in Rhode Island and in particular serves to provide promising young artists a venue for their work.

We are currently conducting month long residencies in the following schools: Edgewood Highland Elementary School (Cranston),

Sophia Academy (Providence), Henry Barnard Elementary School (Providence), and Jacqueline M. Walsh Performing Arts High School (Pawtucket) and are excited to include dances performed by them in this public concert series.

If you would like to attend one of the classes being conducted please contact the Fusionworks office for the remaining schedule.

More than half of Fusionworks II???s 2016-17 dancers have participated in Locally Grown, they auditioned and were accepted into the pre-professional company.

We are excited to see what this season will bring. Come and see Rhode Island???s finest professional modern dancers alongside the talented artists of tomorrow.

This concert will be sure to move you!

Different is Good – especially when it is Locally Grown.

Concert Information:

McVinney Auditorium

43 Dave Gavitt Way, Providence, RI

April 2, 2017 at 3:00 pm

$25, $22 seniors and college students w/id???s


??(401) 334-3091 or