Monday, January 13, 2025


Support PVD City Council anti-Power Plant resolution!

F WATER Providence-City-Hall

On Thursday evening Providence City Councilor Seth Yurdin will be introducing a resolution in opposition to Invenergy’s proposed $700 million fracked gas and diesel oil burning power plant to be built in the pristine forests of Burrillville RI.

The resolution is item number 22 on the PVD City Council agenda. See:

The resolution also empowers the City Council of the City of Providence to begin efforts to fight the sale of water to Johnston for resale to Invenergy, saying:

The City Solicitor provide the City Council with information and clarification regarding the City’s and the Providence Water Supply Board’s ability to prevent the use of Providence water at the CREC power plant and legality of the resale and markup of Providence water by Providence Water Supply Board wholesale customers.

The Chairman and the General Manager of the Providence Water Supply Board assist the Solicitor with the above request, and provide the City Council with information regarding the impact of said use on ratepayers, as well as PWSB finances and operations.

To help the City Council make the right decision, we need a massive outpouring of support.