Sunday, March 9, 2025


Students at Ner Tamid Community Day School Create??Hanukkah Menorahs from Recycled Materials


At Ner Tamid Community Day School housed at Temple Israel in Sharon, students learned the Jewish law?? regarding?? what makes a kosher Hanukah menorah. Pictured are proud creators Sammy Sternberg, 10, and Annalise Hait, 8, showing off menorahs they made out of recycled materials. This activity occurred in Maker Space where students of all ages gather to invent and learn. Now in its third year, Ner Tamid* ( ) serves the region south of Boston and as far south as Providence.

Serving children in grades K ??? 8, it is one of the only multi-age classroom Jewish day schools in the U. S. Its world-class faculty has enabled the majority of students to perform in the ???high achievement??? range on the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) in math, reading, and language due to the approach to personalized learning, where each child learns at their precise academic level.

Hanukkah (also spelled Chanukah), the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day holiday celebrating the re-kindling of the Temple menorah (candelabrum) at the time of the Maccabee rebellion in Jerusalem, about 167 BCE.

For more information about Ner Tamid admissions (open enrollment ??? students accepted throughout the school year), scholarships, and/or making a?? tax-deductible donation, contact?? Head of School Nancy Hait ????/ / 617-733-9661. Visit: