Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Providence Children???s Museum

November 13 – 20


Coming to Rhode Island Opening Weekend! Weekly Activities at Providence Children???s Museum November 13 – 20

Imagination Playground Sunday, November 13?? ????? 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Kids invent their own ways to play as they stack and build with huge blue foam blocks, wheels, spools, tubes and a variety of loose parts.?? Construct castles and forts, create interesting sculptures and more! Underwritten by Dominion Foundation.

Museum Closed – Monday, November 14

Play and Learn: Fishing Fun Tuesday, November 15?? ????? 10:00 AM – Noon Play and Learn is the Museum???s open-ended story-based program especially for 2- to 4-year-olds and their parents, designed to help preschoolers build their skills in a variety of areas and to help parents continue the learning at home.?? This week, preschoolers practice hand-eye coordination and explore the power of magnets as they catch colorful paper fish.

Celtic Knots Wednesday, November 16 & Thursday, November 17?? ????? 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Kids learn to create their own Celtic knots using a variety of materials in Discovery Studio, the Museum???s open-ended art and science exploration space.?? Design a paper mosaic knot, and create Celtic knots from laces and string.

Coming to Rhode Island Opening Weekend! Friday, November 18 – Sunday, November 20?? ????? 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM Providence Children???s Museum introduces a playfully reimagined Coming to Rhode Island exhibit!??

Embark on a time-traveling adventure through the exhibit???s newly transformed ???time tunnel??? to learn about Rhode Island???s immigration history.??

Explore an imaginative interactive environment that highlights the story of an Irish immigrant who worked on the construction of Fort Adams.?? And discover an array of intriguing hands-on activities that explore culture and diversity.

Coming to Rhode Island is supported by The Children’s Workshop Foundation; CollegeBound Saver; June Rockwell Levy Foundation; Murray Family Charitable Foundation; The Providence Journal Charitable Legacy Fund; Rhode Island Council for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities; The Ryan Family Foundation; and Nancy Smith Worthen, in memory of Margaret L. Worthen (as of October 11).

Toddler Try-It: Celtic Shapes Friday, November 18?? ????? 10:00 AM – Noon Young children, ages 18 months to 3 years, use real tools and explore the creative process as they delve into different hands-on art and science activities each Friday morning.?? This week, toddlers create patterns and Celtic designs using paper shapes and sticky paper.

MetLife Family Friday ??? Free at Five! Friday, November 18?? ????? 5:00 – 8:00 PM The Museum is open free from 5:00 – 8:00 PM for ???MetLife Family Friday ??? Free at Five!,??? sponsored by MetLife Foundation.?? Stay out late and splash, play, explore and discover the Coming to Rhode Island exhibit!??

Also create a variety of Celtic knots from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. Celtic Knots Saturday, November 19 & Sunday, November 20?? ????? 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Kids learn to create their own Celtic knots using a variety of materials in Discovery Studio, the Museum???s open-ended art and science exploration space.?? Design a paper mosaic knot, and create Celtic knots from laces and string.

Visit www.ChildrenMuseum.org for a full calendar of events.