Sunday, March 9, 2025

Saint Theresa’s of the Child Jesus Church Bazaar



You’re invited to??the annual Saint Theresa’s of the Child Jesus??Church Bazaar on??Friday – Nov. 11th 5:30p-8:30p/Sat. Nov. 12th 9a-4:30pm…located on??the corner of Rte. 1/Washington Street & 18 Baltic Street, South Attleboro. ??

We have some of the usual fun planned for this year and a couple of new things…

While strolling the Village streets you will encounter a variety of shoppes which include the Bakery, handmade Knits/crocheted Goods & Holiday Boutique, Gramma’s Attic & Grandpa’s Tool Shed, Used Books & Jewelry and our Country Store. Games of chance include the Village Duck Pond, Village Green,??Kids Instant Raffle, General Store??Raffle??& Christmas Chance. If your feeling lucky while you are in town, try our Kids Penny Social, Silent & Not So Silent Auctions, 12 Days of Christmas ~ Baskets of Joy, Money Tree, Meat Raffle, Christmas Cash & our usual Cash, Beverage Bonanza, 42″ flat screen tv, Apple IPad and of course our Handmade Quilt Raffle. ??

After your stroll take a rest over a fine meal of our signature??French meat pie or chicken pie,??fresh??soups, salads,??fries & desserts. (Veggie options also available.) ??A yummy breakfast will be served from 9a-11a on Saturday. ??Come join??Santa & Mrs. Claus for breakfast or story time in the afternoon. They??will be in the neighborhood and hope to see you in the Village!

All visitors will be entered in our $100 Gas Card/Stop & Shop door prize!
