Thursday, March 6, 2025

Op-Ed: Paul Jacques For Representative



By this November, Paul Jacques will have received more endorsements as a State??Representative Candidate than I have seen of a candidate ??? at any level ??? in recent memory.??

This accolade is not trivial, and it speaks to Paul???s widespread support from organizations on??both the political left and right.??Several elected officials and state organizations have endorsed Paul’s candidacy to replace??current State Representative Steven Howitt.

Additionally, over 70 Massachusetts unions and??groups have publicly backed Paul Jacques,??including: The Massachusetts Teachers Association,??the MA AFL-CIO, the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Voters for??Animals, and the??Massachusetts Coalition of Police.??

Paul has received local endorsements from former State Representative Steve D’Amico, as well??as from former State Representative Candidates??Dr. Keith Carreiro and David Saad.

National-level officials such as Congressmen Joseph Kennedy and Congressman James McGovern, State??Treasurer Deb Goldberg, and former??State Treasurer Steve Grossman have also added their??names to the long list of Paul Jacques-supporters.??

Most recently, though, Paul has received acclaim from US Senator??Elizabeth Warren and former??Governor Michael Dukakis, both of whom have publicly endorsed Paul.

This support is critical,??especially given that State Representative Candidates??often have a difficult time procuring local??endorsements, let alone endorsements on the national level.????

Moreover, Paul???s widespread??recognition as a worthy Candidate speaks??volumes about his clout on Beacon Hill, as well as his??ability to affect positive change on behalf of the 4 th Bristol District.

His opponent simply cannot??say the same.

This November 8th I will be casting my vote, not merely for the more popular Candidate, but??rather, I will be casting my vote for the Candidate with the relationships necessary to put the 4th??Bristol District ???back on the map??? on Beacon Hill.??

Vote Paul Jacques for State Representative on??November 8th.??

Frank Durant??

Norton, MA??