Thursday, March 6, 2025

Slater Mill October Haunts

D???Agostino EVP Tour tops Slater Mill October haunts??


(Pawtucket, RI) Slater Mill???s acclaimed Mills & Mysteries paranormal investigations top the to-do lists of ghost hunters and the ghost-curious each weekend this October. Macabre lectures round out the chilling month, with noted investigators Tom D???Agostino, Carl L. Johnson, and Keith Johnson. The Johnson-led 90-minute paranormal investigations, a 2015 Editor???s Pick Best of Rhode Island event, have been an outlet for after-dark explorers of the historic mill for more than a decade. Primary investigator Carl L. Johnson leads most events, with his equally-knowledgeable twin brother Keith Johnson co-hosting on special occasions such as Friday the 13th.?? Five investigation will be held this season, including a more family-oriented version that Carl Johnson will lead on October 20.

?????We don???t, can???t know why sites and buildings seem to be subject to haunted happenings, while others are not. Sometimes buildings, especially old mills like Slater Mill, ???remember??? human emotions,??? says Carl Johnson, who, as a ten-plus year veteran of the Slater Mill museum interpretive staff, and host of more than 100 investigations during that time, knows the buildings quite intimately.?? During the investigation, Johnson leads participants through the factory of the 1793 Old Slater Mill, the basement wheel pit of the 1810 Wilkinson Mill, and the sitting room of the 1758 Sylvanus Brown House, using a variety??of tools to communicate with the dead.

As a special addition this year, Tom D???Agostino, noted New England paranormal expert, and author of Rhode Island???s Haunted Ramtail Factory, will give a talk on October 29, followed by an investigation that focuses on Electronic Voice Phenomena, or EVP, as a means of connecting to the other side. Each participant will be sent a digital file of the EVP recordings by D???Agostino.

The Johnson brothers each present a lecture of their own:?? Carl will present his talk on Edgar Allan Poe on October 7 ??? the anniversary of Poe???s death ??? while Keith will present ???Paranormal Realities,??? the subject of his last three books, on October 13.

Mills & Mysteries Paranormal Investigation are scheduled for October 14, 21, 27 and 28 at 7:30 p.m.; tickets are $20 per person, ages 15 or older. Family-appropriate investigation is October 20 at 6:30 pm; tickets, $10 per person, ages 8 and up. Lectures on October 7 and 13 begin at 7:30; tickets are $5.00 per person. Tom D???Agostino program is October 29 at 8:00 p.m.; tickets are $28 per person. Slater Mill is located at 67 Roosevelt Avenue in downtown Pawtucket, RI.??

Register in advance by calling 401-725-8638 x.100. For more information, visit