Thursday, February 13, 2025

Leaders From Every Region Join Together To Say That Question 4 is Wrong Path For Their Communities

Bi-Partisan Coalition Of 119 Lawmakers Urge Rejection of Ballot Question 4 To Legalize Commercial Marijuana Industry in Massachusetts

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BOSTON ??? A bi-partisan coalition of 119 legislators from every region of the Commonwealth today voiced their opposition to ballot question 4 to legalize the commercial marijuana industry in Massachusetts.

The elected leaders said allowing the billion-dollar marijuana industry into Massachusetts to market highly potent edible products, particularly during an addiction crisis, is the wrong path for the state. Edibles like this account for 50% of the sales in Colorado, and the Massachusetts ballot question specifically authorizes these products and places no potency limit on them. A study released last week found that the number of children aged 0-9 who suffered from marijuana exposure has increased by 150% in Colorado since the state legalized commercial marijuana, including edibles.??

The Massachusetts ballot question, which was written by and for the Marijuana industry, sets no limits on the number of producers and sellers, allows people to grow tens of thousands of dollars of marijuana at their homes, even over neighbors??? objections, and has been shown to dramatically increase impaired driving in other states that have legalized commercial marijuana.

Massachusetts has already taken major steps to address concerns around this issue. Massachusetts has decriminalized the possession of marijuana -?? people are not being jailed for marijuana use nor are they receiving a criminal record for such activity. Massachusetts also legalized the use of marijuana for health purposes.

The legislators join elected leaders such as Governor Charlie Baker, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Speaker Robert DeLeo, and Attorney General Maura Healey who have come out in opposition to Question 4. The Massachusetts Municipal Association also has opposed this ballot question after a unanimous vote by their board of directors.

Among the group of health care, public safety, business, and child protection experts who have already come out in opposition to this ballot question include:?? Massachusetts Hospital Association, Massachusetts Medical Society, Massachusetts Municipal Association, Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals, Associated Industries of Massachusetts, Retailers Association of Massachusetts, Association of School Superintendents, Construction Industries of Massachusetts, Action for Boston Community Development, Association for Behavioral Healthcare, National Association of Mental Illness (Massachusetts Chapter), Massachusetts Chiefs of Police, Massachusetts Sheriffs Association and all Massachusetts District Attorneys.