Massachusetts Nurses Association Endorses Paul Jacques for 4th Bristol District State Representative
4th Bristol District, MA – July 5, 2016 ??? The Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MNA/NNU), the state???s largest union and professional association for registered nurses and health care professionals, announces its endorsement and strong support for Paul W. Jacques, Democratic candidate for the 4th Bristol State Representative seat.
???Paul Jacques is a strong voice for public safety, unions and Massachusetts nurses,??? MNA President Donna Kelly-William said. ???As a union firefighter, Jacques has worked closely with MNA nurses. I know Jacques will bring that passion to Beacon Hill, where he has pledged to fight on behalf of front-line nurses and their patients.???
Jacques, a Rehoboth resident, is a first-time candidate for public office. He has been an Attleboro firefighter for 20 years and is the legislative agent for the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts (PFFM). Jacques has also served for 21 years in the National Guard, including two tours in Iraq. Paul has a Master???s Degree in Public Administration from Anna Maria College.??
Jacques has promised to support a range of MNA priorities, including safe patient limits, workplace violence protections and improved mental health treatment. He plans to bring decades of experience advocating for labor with him to the State House. ???My entire life I have supported and defended collective bargaining rights for all employees,??? Jacques said. ???As a state representative, I will be a powerful voice on Beacon Hill for unionized nurses and for all front-line workers.???
The 4th Bristol district includes all of Seekonk and Rehoboth, along with Precincts 1 and 2 in Norton and Precincts 4 and 5 in Swansea.