Come to the library on Thursday June 2, 2016 from 1:00 PM-2:30 PM in the Community Room for Knot Just Knitting.?? Join this group of those who want to share and/or compare knitting and crocheting projects. From beginner to expert participants are welcome. The group also knits/crochets for charities.
Join us on Tuesday May 31, 2016 from 10:30 AM-12:30 PM in the Community Room for the program “Matter of Balance??? Presented by the Attleboro YMCA. Matter of Balance acknowledges the risk of falling but emphasizes practical coping strategies to reduce this fear. These strategies include promoting a view of falls and fear of falling as controllable, setting realistic goals for increasing activity, changing the environment to reduce fall risk factors, and promoting exercise to increase strength and balance.?? This 8-week class will meet Tuesdays, May 10-June 28. A program fee of $15.00 is due at the first class. Please register at the Norton Senior Center, 55 W. Main Street, 508-285-0235.?? Contact: Martha Machnik ?? 508-409-0741