Saturday, February 22, 2025

???Senator for a Day???

Senator Doyle welcomes 3rd grade student as ???Senator for a Day???


From the right, Sen. James E. Doyle II (D-Dist. 8, Pawtucket), welcomes Justin Crossett from St. Celcila???s Elementary School, and his father Jim Crossett, to the Senate floor as Justin visited the State House to be a ???Senator for the Day???

??STATE HOUSE ??? Sen. James E. Doyle II (D-Dist. 8, Pawtucket) welcomed Justin Crossette and his father, Jim Crossette, to the Senate chamber on Thursday, April 14, so Justin could serve as the District 8 ???Senator for a Day???.??

???It was a pleasure to host Justin and his father on the Senate floor and see a young man who was so engaged with the political process,??? said Senator Doyle.?? ???I have no doubt that Justin has a bright future ahead of him and maybe even one day he could be back in the District 8 seat for real.???

???I???d like to thank Senator Doyle for such a great day at the State House,??? said Justin.?? ???I learned a lot about what happens to make a law and the buttons to vote were fun to push too.????? When asked what his favorite part of the day was, Justin responded, ???The dome.?? It???s just so huge and the paintings on it are pretty incredible.???

Justin is a third-grade student from St. Cecilia’s Elementary School in Pawtucket and he was chosen to come to the Senate and experience what it means to represent his home district for the day.?? After being given a private tour of the State House before the Senate session by Senator Doyle, Justin stood by Senator Doyle during a lengthy Senate session and pushed the voting buttons, with advisement from Senator Doyle, on several pieces of legislation that were voted on by the Senate that day.??