Sunday, March 9, 2025

North Attleborough Historical Society

April 17th North Attleborough Historical Society Meeting

A NA-Little_Red_Schoolhouse EDITED

The North Attleborough Historical Society will hold its next meeting on Sunday, April 17th at 2:00 PM at the Little Red Schoolhouse.?? The Society invites you to join them for a history of the “town pool”. North Attleborough???s WWII Memorial Pool was built in 1951 to serve as a memorial to North Attleboro residents who served in World War II. Its construction was paid for through a community chest set up for veterans of World War II, who decided to use the money for a community-wide purpose. The pool is now supported by the Make A Splash Foundation.?? Members of the foundation be with us to tell of the pool???s 65 year history, servicing tens of thousands of town residents

The meeting takes place in the Little Red Schoolhouse next door to the Woodcock Garrison House at 362 North Washington Street in North Attleborough.?? Refreshments will be served following the presentation and a plant donated by Brigg’s Nursery will be raffled.??

This meeting is free and open to the public.