Sunday, March 9, 2025

Wickford Village!

Daffodil Days In Wickford Village!

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Catch up on some fresh air and sunshine as Wickford Village Merchants hosts many fun- filled family events on Saturday, April 16th and Sunday, April 17th.


Shop Hop! Visit the fun and unique shops of Wickford Village to earn raffle tickets that could win you awesome prizes from those businesses!

(follow the ???I love Wickford Village??? facebook page for details and list of participating businesses)

???Spring Cleaning??? Sidewalk Sales! The streets will be lined with bargains galore!


11am-3pm: Pony Rides with Sheffield Farm! $3 per ride. (Updike Park)

12noon-5pm: Hop on board the Roaming Railroad! Adults and Kids alike can take a ride around the village on this charming trackless train. $3 per ride. (Town Parking Lot)??

2pm: “Five Touchstones in Wickford???s History,” a walking tour guided by local historian Tim Cranston, come and learn the stories of the five most important waypoints along the timeline of Wickford???s long history. Rain date is Sunday, April 17th. FREE (Begins at the monument in Updike Park)

*FREE and low cost events hosted at Wickford businesses:

9am: Pilates Stance 55 minute Group Mat/Barre/Stretch class only $10 in celebration of Daffodil Days. RSVP to (Just outside the Village at 901 Boston Neck Road, Second Floor)

10am: Pilates Stance 55 minute Group Mat class only $10 in celebration of Daffodil Days. RSVP to (Just outside the Village at 901 Boston Neck Road, Second Floor)

11am-1pm: Beauty and the Bath will host Reynold???s Barn Goats! They love to be held and petted and children of all ages are enamored by them. FREE (11 West Main Street)

11am-2pm: The Wickford Collection will host a balloon artist for balloon flowers, butterflies and animals! FREE (30 West Main Street)

12noon-4pm: Village Faire will be offering a ???make it -take it??? craft. Folks can swing by the deck and make a daffodil wreath for their hair, crowning themselves Princess??or Queen of Spring! FREE (83 Brown Street)

1pm: End-o-Main Lobster will host demonstrations on how to filet a whole fresh fish & how to safely shuck a fresh oyster. FREE (At fishing vessel Matrix in the Commercial Fishing Wharf at end of Main Street)

2-4pm: Canvasworks+ is hosting a children???s book signing of ???Bonnie, Our Backyard Bunny??? by local author Susan Letendre. Illustrated by Saulo Serran, one of Cuba???s most well-known and best loved artists. The book is a collaboration across cultures. Books are available in English in softcover and hardcover and Spanish in hardcover. Cost is based on type of book. (10 Main Street)


11am-3pm: Pony Rides with Sheffield Farm! $3 per ride. (Updike Park)

12noon-4pm: E-cycle! Drop off your used technology to ???Indiecycle??? in the town parking lot to be sure these electronics are properly disposed. For details about acceptable items, visit Most items are FREE, select items $10 fee (Town Parking Lot)

12noon-5pm: Hop on board the Roaming Railroad! Adults and Kids alike can take a ride around the village on this charming trackless train. $3 per ride. (Town Parking Lot)

*FREE and low cost events hosted at Wickford businesses:

10am: Pilates Stance 55 minute Group Mat class only $10 in celebration of Daffodil Days. RSVP to (Just outside the Village at 901 Boston Neck Road, Second Floor)

11am: Pilates Stance 55 minute Group Mat/Barre/Stretch class only $10 in celebration of Daffodil Days. RSVP to (Just outside the Village at 901 Boston Neck Road, Second Floor)

11am-6pm: JW Graham hosts a Spring Trunk Show with MKindred. Wickford???s sweethearts of jewelry design. Shop newest bracelet collections & earn points on trunk show loyalty card. (26 Brown Street)

12noon-4pm: Midnight Sun will host Barefoot Henna! Temporary and safe all natural henna body art lasts 5-21 days. Cost is based on chosen design. (13 West Main Street)

??As of April 6, 2016