Monday, January 13, 2025

Weaver Library

Important and timely documentary to screen at the Weaver Library

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??Evanston, IL filmmaker Craig Dudnick??will introduce and screen his documentary??Alice???s Ordinary People: Five Decades of Fearless Activism??at the Weaver Library on Monday, March 21, 2016 at 7pm.??

??Civil rights leader and Chicago native Alice Tregay was a champion of voter education. She marched with Dr. Martin Luther King and spent a lifetime fighting Chicago school segregation.????All the while Ms. Tregay considered herself ???ordinary people???; anyone could effect change for human rights if they were determined.????Filmmaker Craig Dudnick was inspired by Alice???s life and other selfless activists??of the Chicago Freedom??Movement.??

??Weaver Library is proud to be one of fifteen national screenings in 2016 to introduce Alice Tregay, a heroine of the Civil Rights Movement to larger audiences. Just three months before her death at age 86??in 2015, Ms. Tregay joined other activists at the Ferguson, Missouri??Public Library, still dedicated to working for social change.

????Weaver Library is located at 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI.

??This program is free and open to all.

??Questions? Call 401-434-2453.